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CSS Display Properties

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Published by

sanya sanya

Published at: 28th Jul, 2023
1.25 mins read

The CSS display is a property that determines how an element is rendered on a webpage. It controls the layout behavior of an element, including how it interacts with other elements around it.

The "display" property can take various values, each resulting in a different rendering behavior.

div { display: _____; }

All the CSS Display Properties with description are mentioned below.

Display : block

This value generates a block-level element, which means it takes up the entire width available and starts on a new line.

Examples of block-level elements are div, p, and h1-h6. For instance;

h1 { display:block; }

Display: inline

This value generates an inline-level element, which means it does not start on a new line and only takes up as much space as necessary.

Examples of inline-level elements are span, a, and strong. The height and width properties have no effect on inline-level elements. For instance;

h1 { display:inline; }

Display: inline-block

This value combines the characteristics of both block and inline. It behaves like an inline element but can have a defined width, height, margins, and paddings.

It allows other elements to be displayed on the same line. For instance;

h1 { display:inline-block; }

Display: none

The none value hides the element from the page completely. It effectively removes the element from the document flow and occupies no space.

Other elements will fill the space previously occupied by the hidden element. For instance;

{ display: none; }




HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

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CSS Display Properties




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On this page

Display : block

Display: inline

Display: inline-block

Display: none