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Collision Resolution Techniques

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Published by

sanya sanya

Published at: 6th Aug, 2023
1.84 mins read

Collision resolution techniques are used in hash tables to handle situations where two different keys map to the same hash code. When a collision occurs, these techniques help resolve the collision and find an appropriate location for storing the colliding keys.

  1. Separate Chaining:
  • In separate chaining technique, each bucket in hash table is associated with a linked list or some other data structure that can store multiple elements.
  • When a collision occurs, the colliding elements are added to the linked list associated with that bucket.
  • The key and its corresponding value are stored as a node in list.
  1. Open Addressing
  • In open addressing, when a collision occurs, the hash table’s slots themselves are used to store the colliding elements. If a slot is already occupied, the algorithm probes or searches for the next available slot in a predetermined manner.
  • The probing technique determines the sequence of slots to be checked when searching for an empty slot. Common probing techniques are discussed below:
  1. Linear Probing:

- In linear probing, if a collision occurs at a specific slot, the algorithm sequentially searches for the next available (empty) slot by incrementing the index one by one until it finds an empty slot.

- The probing sequence is defined by the linear function:

‘hash(key) + i’

where ‘hash(key)’ is the original hash value and ‘I’ is the probe number.

  1. Quadratic Probing:

- Quadratic probing uses a quadratic function to determine the probing sequence. The formula is:

‘hash(key) + (c1 * i ) + (c2 * i^2)’

where ‘hash(key)’ is the original hash value, ‘i’ is the probe number, and ‘c1’ and ‘c2’ are constants.

- Quadratic probing attempts to reduce primary clustering (consecutive clusters of occupied slots) that can occur with linear probing.

  1. Double Hashing:

- Double hashing involves using a secondary hash function to determine the step size for each probe. The formula is:

‘hash(key) + i * hash2(key)’

where ‘hash(key)’ is the original hash value, ‘I’ is the probe number, and ‘hash2(key)’ is the secondary hash function.

- Double hashing aims to avoid clustering and produce a more evenly distributed probing sequence.
